Delta4 Insight release of new Software

New Delta4 Insight release!

We are thrilled to release the next generation of Delta4 Insight. The new version contains several new features, below are a few examples! Want to learn more? Watch the latest webinar about Delta4 Insight, follow the link below.

Delta4 Insight is an independent, high-standard Monte Carlo-based Secondary Dose Calculation software that ensures that the dose you’ve planned for your patient is correct in all clinical situations.

Delta4 Insight – New features!

Patient view - 3D analysis of dose

  • View the Monte Carlo dose and TPS/Insight dose differences overlayed on the patient CT.
  • Localize your dose differences.
  • Extract point doses and dose differences

Recalculate Insight gamma pass rate

Get your gamma pass rate based on different dose deviation and DTA criterion.

Modify calculation queue

  • Prioritize calculations.
  • Support for acute patients.

Improved fluence model

Improved handling of leaf leakage in fluence model.


Delta4 Insight

  • Complete your QA package to cover verification of the TPS dose
  • New independent Monte Carlo algorithm
  • Let the QA procedure stay ahead of your treatment technology, not lag behind
  • Add extra coverage/confidence to your QA procedure, without adding more work


Contact us!

Regional Sales Manager Alexander Rossbach

Alexander Rossbach

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