Is the plan deliverable?

Pre-treatment quality assurance (QA) is performed to verify that an accelerator system can deliver according to plan. It tests that the plan created in the dose planning system can also be executed, and gives the desired result in the form of 3D dose distribution.

The transfer of data from the dose planning software to delivery via the linac consists of a lot of uncertainty for the user. We eliminate this uncertainty by independently verifying that the system delivers the treatment as expected and planned.

Our solution:

Measures uniquely in and around isocenter with high resolution

Instant results

Simple and quick to set up for measurements


Our products

Delta4 Phantom+

The fastest and most accurate 3D verification system for all your patient QA needs.

The Delta4 phantoms are the ONLY systems that measure the dose distribution in the isocentric region and not simply in one single flat or wrapped plane.

One system for patient and machine QA

Verifies IMRT, VMAT, Halcyon, SRS, SRBT, RadixAct, and TomoTherapy plans

Delta4 Phantom + MR

Adapted to be fully compatible with MR linacs. The electronics are mounted on the trolley separate from the phantom and can be detached as needed.

The Delta4 phantoms are the ONLY systems that measure the dose distribution in the isocentric region and not simply in one single flat or wrapped plane.

Fully compatible with all MR linacs

One system for patient and machine QA