Fast and accurate IMRT plan verification with Delta4 Phantom+

The Delta4 Phantom+ provides fast and precise 4D IMRT plan verification, ensuring both treatment accuracy and patient safety.

Unlike single-plane systems, Delta4 Phantom+ measures 4D dose distribution in the isocentric region, providing comprehensive 4D insights for confident verification of even the most complex IMRT plans.

With patented dual orthogonal detector planes and advanced detection technology, the Delta4 Phantom+ streamlines IMRT plan verification, saving time and resources without compromising accuracy.

Meets the TG-218 requirements

Full 4D IMRT plan verification

Fast setup, measurement, and analysis for efficient QA

Delta4 Phantom+ IMRT with TrueBeam

Product Video

Fast & easy 4D verification of complex treatment plans

Whether you’re focusing on IMRT or need a solution that supports diverse techniques, this video showcases how Delta4 Phantom+ ensures accurate, reliable results across the board. See how in the video!


The Gold Standard in Radiotherapy QA

Streamline your workflow with intuitive, fully automated 4D verification and instant results. The Delta4 Phantom+ IMRT offers a range of features designed to simplify and enhance your patient QA process.

Intuitive software

  • Easy to use
  • Fully automated
  • Instant results in one place
  • Powerful analytic tools
  • Clear and modifiable reporting

Fast and easy calibration

  • Only absolute dose calibration needed
  • Fast absolute dose calibration in phantom
  • Optional independent check of absolute point dose with ionization chamber

Easy handling

  • Fast setup time
  • Requires no external trigger
  • Highest temporal resolution
  • Automatic temperature corrections

Highest accuracy

  • Isocentric measurements in two orthogonal detector planes
  • 881 p-type silicon diodes
  • Resolution of 10 mm can be increased indefinitely in the axial direction by merging multiple measurements
  • Automatic temperature corrections
  • Measures where it matters

Long-term, stable detectors

  • No recalibration of relative sensitivity
  • Isotropic response
  • FFF compatible

Quick and easy set-up

  • Setup and alignment done within a few minutes
  • Trolley eliminates all lifting
  • Trolley available for all types of treatment tables

Delta4 Software

Streamlined patient QA workflow

Integrated in the workflow

Keep up an efficient clinical workflow, thanks to well-integrated software. TPS plans can be easily imported together with TPS dose and structures.

Intuitive user interface

Easily navigate between patients, measurements, and analysis with our intuitive interface. Access all necessary information with a single click. Automated QA analysis provides instant pass/fail results immediately after dose delivery.

Delta4 Software

Instant and powerful 4D dose analysis

Instant results

Obtain instant and accurate radiotherapy QA results with the Delta4 software. Dose deviation, Distance-to-Agreement (DTA), and Gamma Index are instantly available—no further processing required. Customize QA reports to meet your specific clinical needs.

Powerful analysis

Leverage unique 4D dose measurements to analyze delivered dose by fraction, beam arc, or control point. Analyse delivered 4D dose within the patient's anatomy using the Delta4DVH software suite, providing unique tools to assess the clinical significance of any dose deviations.

Delta4 Software

Instant Results

Instant display of dose deviation, distance to agreement, gamma pass rate, and plan pass/fail status.

Wide range of analysis tools including profile display, isodoses, structure overlaying, continuous dose display, and dose-volume histograms.

Possibility to calculate continuous dose distributions within the patient.


What our customers say

In radiotherapy, confidence in every treatment delivery stems from rigorous patient-specific QA. With the right QA tools, we verify accuracy and enhance trust in the precision and safety of each patient's care, giving clinicians and patients the utmost confidence in the treatment outcome. From a physicist's perspective, the Delta4 Phantom+ is one of the best QA tools available.

Amit Nirhali Chief Medical Physicist and RSO at Sahyadri Super Speciality Hospital, Pune

As a Clinical Scientist, I value the straightforward, meaningful data that Delta4 provides. The new wireless functionality of the Delta 4 Plus makes it so quick and easy to use, it’s even been described by one member of staff as ‘an absolute dream’.

Karen Hawthorn Clinical Scientist, Newcastle upon Thyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

We chose to work with ScandiDos for our internal testing of the Synchrony® feature for the Radixact® System, because they had a robust solution for comprehensive quality assurance of moving targets. We have found the Delta4 Phantom+ and the Delta4 HexaMotion to be convenient, accurate, and easy to use.

Dylan Casey, PHD Director of Medical Physics & Systems Analysis at Accuray Incorporated

The Delta4 Phantom+ is a valuable tool for us at Herlev Hospital. We find great value in having an independent measurement of treatment plans. At Herlev Hospital we now have a complete range of Scandidos' Delta4 products covering TrueBeams, Halcyons and MRIdian.

Ulf Bjelkengren Technical Manager, M.Sc., Medical Physics, Herlev and Gentofte Hospital

The Hexamotion platform allowed for accurate phantom positioning and motion for a wide range of simple and realistic patient motions and The Delta4 phantom was found to be very reliable, easy to setup and allowed for easy analysis of dose delivery accuracy. The combination of the two allowed for validation of the Radixact Synchrony.

Lee Goddard Medical Physicist, DABR, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY

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The Support Team´s Favorite Tools and Functions

  • Clinical case studies featuring Delta4 Software.
  • Analysis tips & tricks!

One Phantom for ALL Treatment Techniques

  • Why it´s more accurate and efficient than the competition
  • The workflow
  • The automated analysis process


Delta4 Phantom+ IMRT

Cylinder Phantom

Material PMMA
Diameter 22 cm
Length / Total Length / Total Weight 40 cm / 71 cm / 27 kg
Ion chamber insert in cylinder Inserts for common cylindrical ion chambers available


Type p-Si
Total number 881
Layout Distributed on coronal and sagittal plane
Max field size 20 x 38 cm2 (when merging two consecutive measurements, otherwise 20 x 20 cm2)

Distance between detectors

Resolution 10 mm
Distance between detectors Resolution of 10 mm can be increased indefinitely in the axial direction by merging multiple measurements
Size (radial x axial) 1 x 0.05mm3= 0,00004 cm3

Detector stability

6MV beam Better than 0.1% per kGy, typically 0.04%/kGy

Power and communication

Power Power adaptor is included
Data communication protocol Ethernet connector (RJ-45)


Modalities Photon beams, with and without flattening filter
Treatment plan import Any treatment planning system that can export DICOM RT plan, RT Dose, and RT Structure
Usage Notes Designed for use with fixed-field IMRT plans. Measurement of VMAT and Tomo treatments requires an upgrade to the wired or wireless version of the Delta4 Phantom+

Upgrade Options

Delta4 Phantom+ (Wired): Provides a higher detector density with 1069 detectors in total, including a 6 x 6 cm high-density area.


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Wilfred de Vries next to Delta4 Phantom+ MR
Delta4 Insight release of new Software